About Me
Who I am and how I can help you.
About Miguel Miranda
Executive Coach for Charisma & Efficiency, Lecturer University
Miguel Miranda, 30 years old, born in Sydney, Australia, with Spanish-Russian roots, has lived in Munich since 2001 and speaks 4 languages.
As one of the youngest lecturers in business psychology and an experienced HR consultant in the digital & high-tech sector, Miguel specialises in efficiently improving the quality of life for the entrepreneurs and busy professionals.
His goal is to help people become the best version of themselves in the most efficient & sustainable way and also realise their personal charisma potential.
Miguel's passion lies in sustainable high performance. He quickly realised that achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight is essential for more energy, charismatic appearance and better performance in his professional life.
In March 2023, he decided to offer his knowledge and methods through digital coaching to specifically help entrepreneurs and busy professionals to efficiently achieve and maintain their feel-good weight.
His methods are based on a combination of mindset training, flexible nutrition and simple exercise activities. Inspired by the movie 'Limitless', Miguel aims to help his clients achieve sustainable success efficiently.
Miguel plans to continually expand his coaching services to develop a holistic high-performance programme that goes beyond weight management. It's the Charisma-Transformation, devided into 3 Phases:
  1. Charismatic Body: Achieving & keeping your feel-good bodyweight in the most efficient & sustainble way, to set the foundation of appearing more charismatic. At this stage, people act friendlier than normal in your presence.
  2. Charisma Look: Managing your phyiscal appearance with clothing, grooming, style and inner deep confidence, to vibrate more charismatic energy. At this stage, people perceive you more attractive, magnetic and listen to what you have to say.
  3. Charismatic Speaking: Optimising your speech, tone of voice and body language incl. effective communication & negotiation principles to speak more charismatic infront of others. At this stage, people listen to what you have to say and start to follow your lead.
Even though Miguel lives and develops the charismatic version of himself, it was not always like this...
This is the 3-phase charisma transformation that Miguel himself went through, triggered by the sharp message of his grandfather, who was a general in the elite military unit, a political leader and a charismatic gentleman in the Soviet Union.
His grandfather gave him an elegant suit when Miguel was a teenager.
At the time, Miguel didn't look muscular, he was overly friendly with everyone, had little self-confidence and, being naturally introverted, had great difficulty talking to others - in fact, he stuttered as a child, so he sought ways to be more alone, playing video games in his comfort zone.
Little Miguel put the suit on, and it was then that his grandfather gave him the message that would change his life forever: "Miguel, if you don't fit into the suit, you're not a real man...".
Let that sink in... It was a wake-up call - his grandfather's sharp message ignited the fire within him to make a big change. These words triggered him to prove his grandfather wrong and he started the transformation journey to be a more charismatic version of himself and to fit into that suit to make his grandfather proud.
He began to work on his body, worked on developing deep self-confidence, upgraded his wardrobe to look more charismatic and developed his influencing skills by practising public speaking.
Best of all, he documented his journey. All the mistakes, all the learnings and all the systems to replicate those results. In 2023 he wrote a book of over 500 pages and printed only 1 copy. Not to sell it online, but to have the full picture for himself and to share parts of it with others and use as material for his programmes.
Also in 2023 he met his 92 year old grandfather. Not only was his grandfather proud of Miguel, but he was deeply grateful for the surprise that Miguel showed him.
Miguel showed his grandfather the book with all the wisdom on how to become the charismatic gentleman his grandfather had talked about when Miguel was a teenager. The Charisma System is Miguel's dedication to his grandfather and he now shares his approach in his coaching programmes.
Giving others the opportunity to transform their body, appearance and speech in the most practical way.
His approach is not only efficient, but also sustainable and tailored to the individual needs of his clients.
Miguel Miranda stands for an effective lifestyle that enables his clients to achieve their full potential in both their professional and personal lives, and to live a life of rich fulfilment.
About Miguel Miranda
Executive Coach for Charisma & Efficiency, Lecturer University
Miguel Miranda, 30 years old, born in Sydney, Australia, with Spanish-Russian roots, has lived in Munich since 2001 and speaks 4 languages.
As one of the youngest lecturers in business psychology and an experienced HR consultant in the digital & high-tech sector, Miguel specialises in efficiently improving the quality of life for the entrepreneurs and busy professionals.
His goal is to help people become the best version of themselves in the most efficient & sustainable way and also realise their personal charisma potential.
Miguel's passion lies in sustainable high performance. He quickly realised that achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight is essential for more energy, charismatic appearance and better performance in his professional life.
In March 2023, he decided to offer his knowledge and methods through digital coaching to specifically help entrepreneurs and busy professionals to efficiently achieve and maintain their feel-good weight.
His methods are based on a combination of mindset training, flexible nutrition and simple exercise activities. Inspired by the movie 'Limitless', Miguel aims to help his clients achieve sustainable success efficiently.
Miguel plans to continually expand his coaching services to develop a holistic high-performance programme that goes beyond weight management. It's the Charisma-Transformation, devided into 3 Phases:
  1. Charismatic Body: Achieving & keeping your feel-good bodyweight in the most efficient & sustainble way, to set the foundation of appearing more charismatic. At this stage, people act friendlier than normal in your presence.
  2. Charisma Look: Managing your phyiscal appearance with clothing, grooming, style and inner deep confidence, to vibrate more charismatic energy. At this stage, people perceive you more attractive, magnetic and listen to what you have to say.
  3. Charismatic Speaking: Optimising your speech, tone of voice and body language incl. effective communication & negotiation principles to speak more charismatic infront of others. At this stage, people listen to what you have to say and start to follow your lead.
Even though Miguel lives and develops the charismatic version of himself, it was not always like this...
This is the 3-phase charisma transformation that Miguel himself went through, triggered by the sharp message of his grandfather, who was a general in the elite military unit, a political leader and a charismatic gentleman in the Soviet Union.
His grandfather gave him an elegant suit when Miguel was a teenager.
At the time, Miguel didn't look muscular, he was overly friendly with everyone, had little self-confidence and, being naturally introverted, had great difficulty talking to others - in fact, he stuttered as a child, so he sought ways to be more alone, playing video games in his comfort zone.
Little Miguel put the suit on, and it was then that his grandfather gave him the message that would change his life forever: "Miguel, if you don't fit into the suit, you're not a real man...".
Let that sink in... It was a wake-up call - his grandfather's sharp message ignited the fire within him to make a big change. These words triggered him to prove his grandfather wrong and he started the transformation journey to be a more charismatic version of himself and to fit into that suit to make his grandfather proud.
He began to work on his body, worked on developing deep self-confidence, upgraded his wardrobe to look more charismatic and developed his influencing skills by practising public speaking.
Best of all, he documented his journey. All the mistakes, all the learnings and all the systems to replicate those results. In 2023 he wrote a book of over 500 pages and printed only 1 copy. Not to sell it online, but to have the full picture for himself and to share parts of it with others and use as material for his programmes.
Also in 2023 he met his 92 year old grandfather. Not only was his grandfather proud of Miguel, but he was deeply grateful for the surprise that Miguel showed him.
Miguel showed his grandfather the book with all the wisdom on how to become the charismatic gentleman his grandfather had talked about when Miguel was a teenager. The Charisma System is Miguel's dedication to his grandfather and he now shares his approach in his coaching programmes.
Giving others the opportunity to transform their body, appearance and speech in the most practical way.
His approach is not only efficient, but also sustainable and tailored to the individual needs of his clients.
Miguel Miranda stands for an effective lifestyle that enables his clients to achieve their full potential in both their professional and personal lives, and to live a life of rich fulfilment.
About Miguel Miranda
Executive Coach for Charisma & Efficiency, Lecturer University
Miguel Miranda, 30 years old, born in Sydney, Australia, with Spanish-Russian roots, has lived in Munich since 2001 and speaks 4 languages...
As one of the youngest lecturers in business psychology and an experienced HR consultant in the digital & high-tech sector, Miguel specialises in efficiently improving the quality of life for the entrepreneurs and busy professionals...
His goal is to help people become the best version of themselves in the most efficient & sustainable way and also realise their personal charisma potential...
Miguel's passion lies in sustainable high performance. He quickly realised that achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight is essential for more energy, charismatic appearance and better performance in his professional life...
In March 2023, he decided to offer his knowledge and methods through digital coaching to specifically help entrepreneurs and busy professionals to efficiently achieve and maintain their feel-good weight...
His methods are based on a combination of mindset training, flexible nutrition and simple exercise activities. Inspired by the movie 'Limitless', Miguel aims to help his clients achieve sustainable success efficiently...
Miguel plans to continually expand his coaching services to develop a holistic high-performance programme that goes beyond weight management...
It's the Charisma-Transformation, devided into 3 Phases:
  1. Charismatic Body: Achieving & keeping your feel-good bodyweight in the most efficient & sustainble way, to set the foundation of appearing more charismatic. At this stage, people act friendlier than normal in your presence.
  2. Charisma Look: Managing your phyiscal appearance with clothing, grooming, style and inner deep confidence, to vibrate more charismatic energy. At this stage, people perceive you more attractive, magnetic and listen to what you have to say.
  3. Charismatic Speaking: Optimising your speech, tone of voice and body language incl. effective communication & negotiation principles to speak more charismatic infront of others. At this stage, people listen to what you have to say and start to follow your lead.
Even though Miguel lives and develops the charismatic version of himself, it was not always like this...
It's the Charisma-Transformation, devided into 3 Phases:
  1. Charismatic Body: Achieving & keeping your feel-good bodyweight in the most efficient & sustainble way, to set the foundation of appearing more charismatic. At this stage, people act friendlier than normal in your presence.
  2. Charisma Look: Managing your phyiscal appearance with clothing, grooming, style and inner deep confidence, to vibrate more charismatic energy. At this stage, people perceive you more attractive, magnetic and listen to what you have to say.
  3. Charismatic Speaking: Optimising your speech, tone of voice and body language incl. effective communication & negotiation principles to speak more charismatic infront of others. At this stage, people listen to what you have to say and start to follow your lead.
Even though Miguel lives and develops the charismatic version of himself, it was not always like this...
... This is the 3-phase charisma transformation that Miguel himself went through, triggered by the sharp message of his grandfather, who was a general in the elite military unit, a political leader and a charismatic gentleman in the Soviet Union...
His grandfather gave him an elegant suit when Miguel was a teenager...
At the time, Miguel didn't look muscular, he was overly friendly with everyone, had little self-confidence and, being naturally introverted, had great difficulty talking to others - in fact, he stuttered as a child, so he sought ways to be more alone, playing video games in his comfort zone...
Little Miguel put the suit on, and it was then that his grandfather gave him the message that would change his life forever: "Miguel, if you don't fit into the suit, you're not a real man..."
Let that sink in... It was a wake-up call - his grandfather's sharp message ignited the fire within him to make a big change. These words triggered him to prove his grandfather wrong and he started the transformation journey to be a more charismatic version of himself and to fit into that suit to make his grandfather proud...
He began to work on his body, worked on developing deep self-confidence, upgraded his wardrobe to look more charismatic and developed his influencing skills by practising public speaking...
Best of all, he documented his journey. All the mistakes, all the learnings and all the systems to replicate those results. In 2023 he wrote a book of over 500 pages and printed only 1 copy...
Not to sell it online, but to have the full picture for himself and to share parts of it with others and use as material for his programmes...
And the story about his grandfather and the suit?
Well, Miguel met his 92-year-old grandfather. The suit still didn't fit Miguel, because it was actually too big, BUT...
Let that sink in... It was a wake-up call - his grandfather's sharp message ignited the fire within him to make a big change. These words triggered him to prove his grandfather wrong and he started the transformation journey to be a more charismatic version of himself and to fit into that suit to make his grandfather proud...
He began to work on his body, worked on developing deep self-confidence, upgraded his wardrobe to look more charismatic and developed his influencing skills by practising public speaking...
Best of all, he documented his journey. All the mistakes, all the learnings and all the systems to replicate those results. In 2023 he wrote a book of over 500 pages and printed only 1 copy...
Not to sell it online, but to have the full picture for himself and to share parts of it with others and use as material for his programmes...
And the story about his grandfather and the suit?
Well, Miguel met his 92-year-old grandfather. The suit still didn't fit Miguel, because it was actually too big, BUT...
......he fulfilled his grandfather's actual wish. Not only was he proud of Miguel, but he was also very grateful for the surprise Miguel showed him...
Miguel showed his grandfather the book with all the wisdom on how to become the charismatic gentleman his grandfather had talked about when Miguel was a teenager. The Charisma System is Miguel's dedication to his grandfather and he now shares his approach in his coaching programmes...
Giving others the opportunity to transform their body, appearance and speech in the most practical way...
His approach is not only efficient, but also sustainable and tailored to the individual needs of his clients...
Miguel Miranda stands for an effective lifestyle that enables his clients to achieve their full potential in both their professional and personal lives, and to live a life of rich fulfilment.
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Efficient. Sustainable. Personal.
Our head office is located in the modern Peak Regus building in Munich.
From Munich, we digitally support clients all over the world & help them achieve their personal charisma look transformation.
Miguel Miranda, CEO of MBI Business Innovation Consulting GmbH at Putzbrunner Straße 71-73, Munich, 81739, Germany.